I could probably title every post with this...
Isaiah chapter 40 is so encouraging and puts any anxiousness away that starts to stir my heart...Which also reminds me of another verse I have hidden in my heart. Phillipians 4:6-7.
I checked the adoption account last week and we are still $4250 short. God knows this. He knows I have all the paperwork ready but He is not concerned with that detail because He has the big picture laid out before Him. When He is ready for us to move forward, we will. He knows where our son is, whether he is born yet or not, He knows the perfect time for our dossier to get to Ethiopia. I have to keep reminding myself of this...This always has been about Him and I won't let my excitement interfere with that.
For me this waiting period has been about learning more about His promises and it's very exciting. I am going to be starting another study with some gals soon. I haven't done one since last spring so I am looking forward to that. It's always a great time of fellowship and growing. Our church does have a Women's Bible Study but because my husband works at least 12 hr. days that means that he is not home in time to stay with the kids while I go. So I figured I would start doing something that worked for me and some of the other Moms I know who have young children and can't always make it to the Study at church.
I am also looking to get some ladies together to head to MA to go to a conference called Faithlift in April. I have gone in the past and have always come home with my cup overflowing!! I love those conferences!!
J will also be starting to fill in playing worship at a church about 45 min away from here. This is also a huge blessing as he has not been able to play at our church and really wants to be able to use his gift.
Tomorrow I get to go help make quilts for an orphanage in Nepal where our friends have adopted their son from. However they have not been able to bring him home yet as the US won't issue his visa. Please keep this in prayer as they are trying to raise money to hire an investigator so the little guy will be able to come home to his family. http://ifwehavefaithofamustardseed.blogspot.com/ Check out their blog!!
So that's about all she wrote for now...We still have our coffee site which you can connect to at the right, as well as the soap site, which is also on the right. ANNNNNDDDD....www.EllieAnnaPurses.com is still donating a portion of her sales to our adoption. She has some great purses and jewelry which are handmade right here in the ol' US of A...So feel free to help us out as God leads you!! God bless...
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